Image LSB Stegonography Tool




A (LSB) Least Signifigant Bit Stegonography tool built with Python. Uses the LSB method to encode images with a particular message. It works by changing the last bit in each color value of the image. When decoded, the program will collect all of the last bits of each color value and construct the hidden message.

Packet Sniffer




A basic CLI packet sniffer implemented in C that uses the libpcap library. Provides information about each packet including Ethernet header, source and destination MAC adresses, IP header information, and TCP-specific details. CLI arguments allow packet filtering by port and changing the device to capture packets from.

Portfolio Website

Web Design



A Django website that includes an About, Projects, CTF Writeups, and Contact page. The CTF Writeups page recieves new writeups using a custom made Obsidian plugin that sends the MD file and all images along side the relevant challenge information. Additionally, The website includes a contact page that uses the Gmail SMTP service to automatically send emails from form submissions.